Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Can One Congressman Be So Wrong?

Wednesday night I attended what was billed as a discussion with Ron Kind on agriculture and dairy issues. Many farmers dialed in to listen, ask questions and express frustration over controlling government initiatives that Kind supports. What they got was a lot of chest thumping about different ways Ron is further increasing government intrusion into their lives and a hard sell on the Healthcare and cap-n-trade bills.

It appears something happened to Ron when he was elected and went to Washington. Maybe it’s all the flying that has swelled up his head. Maybe he bumped it getting into a Smart Car. Whatever it is he seems to think that we are merely the pawns to be controlled rather than the people he should be representing. Ron has forgotten that the reason he was sent to Washington was to authentically represent US, as one of US! He has no ears for farmer’s grievances. It is obvious that he arrives at these sessions with his mind already made up on the issues. It seems the only point is to make us think we are adding valuable input in a transparent attempt at just walking through the motions. Yep, Posturing Ron really has us fooled alright.

Let’s face it Wisconsin, Ron fought against the troop surge in Iraq. He has voted and continues to vote unwisely; for the TARP bailout, Stimulus Bill, Healthcare takeover, against energy independence, cap-n-tax, STILL believes in manmade global warming, wants the government to ‘help’ farmers more. Just how many times can one congressman be so wrong? And yet he STILL will not listen to us.

It is time for Ron to step aside. He shouldn’t even be running for re-election.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

General Welfare; For the Nation or Individual?

According to Ron Kind, my incumbent democratic opponent, healthcare is important to general welfare, therefore government must get involved. Food, shelter, education, heat, electricity, water and air are of vital interest too. So I guess the Constitution also gives the Federal Government the power to control all aspects of these and supply us with what we need, right? Now, who amongst us thinks this is what the founding fathers had in mind? If healthcare is covered by the Constitution so is all the other stuff. If all the other stuff isn’t covered, then neither is healthcare. It’s a VERY slippery slope Wisconsin!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Republican Leadership Purity Resolution, Too Little Too Late

I read that a segment of Republican leadership is considering a Purity Resolution to help unify the leadership. To obtain their goal they will be attempting to stave off what will surely be solid resistance from the more liberal elements of the party. They will discuss it this winter in Honolulu.

How nice.

I’m not sure having a bunch of party leadership flying off to Honolulu is a wise choice considering the dire straits the Republic is in, the current state of the economy and frustration of the average Republican conservative who just gave up a few days of groceries to donate to the conservative cause. Will the conservative base be encouraged by leadership spending the donors grocery money or child’s school shoe money flying to Hawaii to discuss how, if you’re only for gun control and government funded abortion, you can still be included ‘under the big tent’ and get more party funding?

Explain to me again how this exercise will bolster the conservative confidence in Republican leadership. Please. I want to believe.

I searched the various definitions of political party on the web. Generally I came up with something like, “A group of people who are organized for the purpose of obtaining and using political power. The party develops a political platform that defines their ideology and sets out the agenda they would pursue should they win elective office.”

This definition does not come to my mind when I think of the current GOP leadership. The GOP leadership is not of unified ideology and they surely do not pursue anything. Over time the various iterations of GOP leadership have failed to mount a significant counter assault to return our Republic back to the more constitutionally conforming government that our founding fathers established. Even when in control of legislative and executive branches of government, they failed to execute lasting conservative reforms. At best they’ve been somewhat of a boat anchor to the socialists over the past 100 years, just slowing them down a bit here and there. Now the GOP leadership is dissolving at the seams, and the best they HOPE to muster is to obtain 80% minimum ‘purity’, if they can manage that. Purity in my book is NOT defined by the percentage of 80. My fellow Americans, I’m sure you feel the same way.

So where does a true conservative turn? You’re laying your children to bed at night and wondering what their future will be like. You wonder if you’ll be put out to medical pasture when your 65. You hurry to put out of your mind the subject of abortion, partial birth or otherwise, because no one in the GOP is willing to go to the wall to support your ideals. You’re challenged to predict what courage you will be able to muster WHEN ‘they’ decide we are too ignorant to own firearms. Well, move over. I’ve been there.

Like you, I am an average person working hard to make a living and pass something on to my kids. They have made that so impossible that in my frustration I decided to take things in my own hands and run for national office. The party I found most in agreement with my Constitutional, conservative ideals was the Constitution Party where the platform NEVER changes and is always focused on the Constitution with a faith in the wisdom of the Lord. Want a Wisconsin political attack animal that will fight on the House floor and media to restore a Constitutional Republic to your and my children? Elect me. Just once. Elect me.

As the Republican leadership toils and sacrifices this winter in Hawaii to achieve 80% ‘purity’ and continues to let Obama set the game table by reacting in opposition to “Obama’s socialist agenda” please consider this; give thought to what it might be like to support candidates that are your neighbors, are damned tired of this endless absurd game and will pro-actively lead to take back our liberty and Republic so our children can realize freedom beyond our wildest dreams….because liberty is not merely being able to select between the Government Option and a fine and/or prison time.

Michael Krsiean is the Constitution Party candidate running in the 2010 race for US House of Representatives in Wisconsin’s 3rd district (

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Healthcare Takeover - Full Scale Political War Declared on Every American

Full scale political war has been declared on all Americans by Ron Kind in the US House and now Kohl and Feingold in the US Senate. The amount of money they intend to brazenly steal from us with no commitment to provide ANYTHING for 5 years is mind shattering. They have completely ignored our demands to "STOP!" Elect me and other Constitutional warriors and we'll rip this soon-to-be-law off the books immediately.

They have thrown down the gauntlet. They are watching YOU and ME to see what we will do. For some reason they don't seem fearful of a backlash in 2010. That in itself is very curious. Will we rise up and do what needs to be done by cleaning dumping ALL these socialist weasels out!? The need is crystal clear. They all need to go in 2010.

I am here, ready and willing to do WHATEVER it takes to turn this country around and return back to Constitutional government. Will you send me? Will you help me get there via generous funds and volunteering? If not, expect worse, MUCH WORSE from the socialists because this was a trial balloon, they are watching. AND they have allot more up their sleeves if we continue to do nothing. The game is on. It is full scale political war against us and our families. Let's stand together, work together and TAKE BACK OUR REPUBLIC!

From the sounds of it the Senate version will tax us for the first 4-5 years without any benefits handed out. Annual cost estimated at $15,000 tax increase for each household. Part of the bill will actually FORCE us to be contributors to abortion funding via a specific itemized part of our 'premiums'. Medicare is slashed by tens of millions of dollars. This is a huge act of disrespect from government, towards Americans. I hope you will join with me to take back our government in 2010.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

We the People Event, Cumberland, WI

Constitution Party US Senate candidate Rob Taylor sponsored a We the People event in Cumberland Wisconsin. In spite of the the bitter cold and rain, about 50 people showed up to support true Conservative candidates and let their voices be heard.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hudson Open Carry Event and Dave ‘Ole’ Olson sponsored an event in Hudson where people were invited to come and exercise their 2nd Amendment right to open carry in Wisconsin. We had many speakers including CPoW US Senate candidate Rob Taylor and 7CD House candidate Dan Mielke. Yours truly was able to say a few words. About 500 – 600 people attended the event. I look forward to participating at the next open carry event.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wisconsin Christian News bit....

For Christians these times represent hopeful, yet troubling times. We eagerly await the coming of our Lord because it seems the time may be short, yet we fear for our country for we know our God is just. The federal government attempts to force acceptance from us of horrible things: abortion, homosexuality, embryonic research, removal of God from public places and worst of all politically correct relative truth. Cradle to grave politicians, it seems, would love to have us all dependent upon them for our every need instead of God. We must resist the government’s efforts to displace God as the main focus of dependence in our lives.

I am Michael Krsiean and am a candidate for the US House of Representatives in Wisconsin’s 3rd congressional district. I am running because I have come to realize my conscience will not easily allow me to hand down to my children a socialist form of government without doing my part to resist it. I genuinely believe that every generation is responsible for the preservation of our Republic.

My wife and I are conservative Christians and attend Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. We have 4 daughters and one 10 month old baby boy. In the past we have home schooled as part of a coop and found it very satisfying. I have kept my day job as an aerospace engineer and my wife and I work evenings and weekends to get out our message. After growing up a republican I am sorry to see the party of Reagan lean so far to the left. I cannot depend on it to proactively represent and defend my ideals. The Constitution Party on the other hand takes a no apologies, Christian, conservative platform that is more in agreement with our faith and values. I hope you will consider Constitution Party endorsed candidates as potential recipients of your votes come next November. I am grateful for the opportunity to introduce myself. God’s grace to you all!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Letter to the Editor, LaCrosse Tribune

I see a Republican party where the term Republican no longer is synonymous with conservatism. I see a socialist donkey continually kicking the do-nothing Republican to the left, dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. The Republican sits like a rock, defending the status quo of wherever he ends up after the last kick. I see absolutely no-proactive counter attack from the Republican rock. He totters on the edge of the cliff. He is tired and corrupt and holding the Constitution he has inadequately defended and upheld. One more good kick and he could very well tumble over into the sea of socialism!

Time and time again, when in power, the Republicans fail to defend and promote the conservative ideas of the Republic. We must learn from past experiences. We need a strong counter attack to push back and defeat the socialist donkey and defend the Constitution!

The New First party, the Constitution Party is that counter attack. The Constitution party is filled with your neighbors and friends that have stood up and said ENOUGH. I am one of them. We are dedicated toward doing what is necessary to defend our children from the future threat of socialism. We MUST completely dismantle the socialist framework in this country, slash the federal government to a fraction of its current size and shove it back into its Constitutional box! We can not afford to once again abandon conservatism to non-conservative politicians...the next election is too critical.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wausau Tea Party speech

The complete tea party can be viewed on

Wow. I am honored to be here in the company of so many fellow American! It is a wonderful day! Thank you for the invitation to speak.
My name is Mike Krsiean. I have lived in St. Croix County since 2005. I’m happily married to Annie, my wife of three years. Together we have five children. We are conservative Christians and attend Bethlehem Baptist Church. For the past 15 years I have successfully worked in industry as a aerospace and mechanical design engineer.

I have worked hard to achieve an education, apply that education, climb the corporate ladder the best I can. To provide for my family, send the kids to school, save a bit for retirement. Those WERE my life’s goals. THEY HAVE CHANGED.

I never thought I’d have to say this. My goal now is to ensure that my Constitutional Republic will not perish due to forces WITHIN our own government! The attack is relentless!

The US Constitution is the crowning legal achievement of western civilization; the standard to which other countries aspire. On a daily basis I witness people who claim to be my countrymen tossing it like a worthless at rag the feet of Karl Marx and his failed theories.
Their battle cry is, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Dave Obey did a great job using that idea as justification for the graduated income tax in the 2008 debate with Dan Mielke! DIRECTLY from Karl Marx and his cronies! But, a privacy invading graduated income tax and wealth redistribution isn’t enough….

They are bent on controlling every aspect of our lives – like a master controls his slaves – cradle to grave.

They foolishly throw away generations worth of wealth without reading bills or demanding tractability.

They purposely lie us.

They put ridiculous controls on farms and businesses

They try to limit our energy availability

They force homosexuality on us and our children

They want us to pay for the medical coverage of 47 million imaginary people. In reality this number is closer to 10 million people.

They insist on destroying our current medical coverage, bankrupting our medical institutions and stifling our medical research all for less than 5% of the population!

Well, on this I’ve got news for the people who didn’t plan for their own medical needs… WE ARE NOT YOUR FALLBACK PLAN!!!
We write letters, make calls and visits…and even forcefully confront them at their townhall meetings….yet they will not listen and take to heart or petitions and grievances! When they are messing with our healthcare they are literally throwing around the lives of our spouses, children and parents! You keep your damn hands off our families!

While he went about it incorrectly in some respects ‘ol Joe McCarty had it right. Many government officials have proven that they have abandoned their oath to protect and uphold the constitution through their deeds and words. They have adopted an affinity for Marxist doctrine. I pledge to you one thing. If the people of the third district send me to congress and the rest of the country elects other honorable, constitutional patriots I WILL work to purge whatever remains of these officials. NOW IT BEGINS! NOW we start holding these people accountable for the oath they swore– TO US!
Patrick Henry said, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

The time is now that we begin to shatter the chains that they have set upon our Constitution.

The time is now that we begin to throw off the chains they have set upon US and say NO MORE!!
The time is NOW that we throw those chains back to their rightful place; upon our government, upon our elected officials and yes, upon those un-elected officials as well!

My campaign theme, Constitution Unchained, starts with us. We all must rise to the occasion and shatter these chains. There MUST be trustworthy partnership between constituents and their representatives.

The founding fathers never intended the Republic to see so many career politicians. Public service should be a sacrifice, lest people find it too much to their liking. To that end honorable, constitution minded patriots all over the country must stand up, be prepared to make temporary sacrifices. They must leave home and family, do battle with political monsters and seek public office far, or not-so-far, from home. They must have the courage to slash the federal government to a fraction of its current size so it cannot continually threaten us. And they must always be attentive to their constituents Constitutional concerns.

At home, the people must be responsible for letting their voice be heard on a continual basis – to their representatives and neighbors – lest we stray too far from constitutionality. We must be ever vigilant to protect our liberty from festering threats. But your support, assistance, time and votes must be offered as well to elect trustworthy representatives. Without your precious sacrifices our Republic crumbles.Yes, my goals have changed because I hold EVERY generation responsible for the preservation of our Republic. THAT is why I hope to take off my engineering hat and put on the hat of a Constitutional Warrior come November 2010!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Endorsement - Constitution Party of Wisconsin

For Immediate Release

Michael Krsiean to Challenge Ron Kind for U.S. House

The Constitution Party of Wisconsin officially announces the candidacy of Michael Krsiean for US House of Representatives, 3rd District for the 2010 race against incumbent Ron Kind (D). Michael Krsiean was officially endorsed on August 16th by the party’s Campaigns and Candidates sub-committee after proving in the vetting process that he will obey the US Constitution and protect individual rights with his initiatives and votes in office.

In this season of socialist onslaught Krsiean states his motivation to temporarily enter public service, “The American people are trapped by self-serving politicians who refuse to hold the Federal government within the confines of Constitutionally mandated limits. They refuse to listen to and authentically represent their constituents’ wishes and recognize their concerns. My vision and strategy entitled “Constitution Unchained”, which will be unveiled during the campaign, has as its goal to unceasingly force the federal government back into its Constitutional confines, to cut the chains it has set heavily upon the American people, to restore reliance on the wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to witness my beloved America and our children’s futures flourish once again!”