Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Can One Congressman Be So Wrong?

Wednesday night I attended what was billed as a discussion with Ron Kind on agriculture and dairy issues. Many farmers dialed in to listen, ask questions and express frustration over controlling government initiatives that Kind supports. What they got was a lot of chest thumping about different ways Ron is further increasing government intrusion into their lives and a hard sell on the Healthcare and cap-n-trade bills.

It appears something happened to Ron when he was elected and went to Washington. Maybe it’s all the flying that has swelled up his head. Maybe he bumped it getting into a Smart Car. Whatever it is he seems to think that we are merely the pawns to be controlled rather than the people he should be representing. Ron has forgotten that the reason he was sent to Washington was to authentically represent US, as one of US! He has no ears for farmer’s grievances. It is obvious that he arrives at these sessions with his mind already made up on the issues. It seems the only point is to make us think we are adding valuable input in a transparent attempt at just walking through the motions. Yep, Posturing Ron really has us fooled alright.

Let’s face it Wisconsin, Ron fought against the troop surge in Iraq. He has voted and continues to vote unwisely; for the TARP bailout, Stimulus Bill, Healthcare takeover, against energy independence, cap-n-tax, STILL believes in manmade global warming, wants the government to ‘help’ farmers more. Just how many times can one congressman be so wrong? And yet he STILL will not listen to us.

It is time for Ron to step aside. He shouldn’t even be running for re-election.


  1. Plaintiffs' lawyers impede economic recovery

    Dear Mr. Krisean,

    I am an Alabama resident.

    I think plaintiffs' lawyers impede the country's economic recovery. I also think they undermine business ethics. They particularly stand in the way of sensible medical malpractice reform as a way to lower the nation's health care costs.

    I have a blog How To Combat Plaintiffs' Lawyers where I record my efforts to communicate with lawmakers, judges, attorney generals and academics, among others, about how I believe plaintiffs' lawyers ill serve societal interests.

    I receive no remuneration for any of my activities. I am not a member of any tort reform organization, chamber of commerce, or any other organization that has an interest in opposing plaintiffs' lawyers.

    Congress is debating more stimulus, health care reform, and other governmental action to get our nation's economy back on track, and the country is moving toward the 2010 elections that will be a referendum on how the current Congress performs about these important domestic issues.

    I hope you, as a United States Senator or Representative, or as a candidate for the Senate or the House of Representatives, will look at the contribution the plaintiffs' lawyers make to the country's economic difficulties and will consider, advocate and propose legislative action to lessen the problem of the plaintiffs' lawyers.

    Thank you.

    Robert Shattuck

  2. As a farmer, I cannot afford any more of the government's "help".

    Congress needs to wake up to the fact that Americans are tired of hearing that our representatives are trying to buy the votes of their constituents by bringing a small sliver of our own hard earned money back from Washington and giving to those whom they choose.

  3. Sopater:

    As a farmer, do your receive any government subsidies? If so, why? If not, do you not qualify for them?


    Do you think government farm subsidies should be eliminated? It seems to me, from your stands on the issues, these subsidies are basically socialist handouts to the business class called "farmers."
