Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wausau Tea Party speech

The complete tea party can be viewed on

Wow. I am honored to be here in the company of so many fellow American! It is a wonderful day! Thank you for the invitation to speak.
My name is Mike Krsiean. I have lived in St. Croix County since 2005. I’m happily married to Annie, my wife of three years. Together we have five children. We are conservative Christians and attend Bethlehem Baptist Church. For the past 15 years I have successfully worked in industry as a aerospace and mechanical design engineer.

I have worked hard to achieve an education, apply that education, climb the corporate ladder the best I can. To provide for my family, send the kids to school, save a bit for retirement. Those WERE my life’s goals. THEY HAVE CHANGED.

I never thought I’d have to say this. My goal now is to ensure that my Constitutional Republic will not perish due to forces WITHIN our own government! The attack is relentless!

The US Constitution is the crowning legal achievement of western civilization; the standard to which other countries aspire. On a daily basis I witness people who claim to be my countrymen tossing it like a worthless at rag the feet of Karl Marx and his failed theories.
Their battle cry is, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Dave Obey did a great job using that idea as justification for the graduated income tax in the 2008 debate with Dan Mielke! DIRECTLY from Karl Marx and his cronies! But, a privacy invading graduated income tax and wealth redistribution isn’t enough….

They are bent on controlling every aspect of our lives – like a master controls his slaves – cradle to grave.

They foolishly throw away generations worth of wealth without reading bills or demanding tractability.

They purposely lie us.

They put ridiculous controls on farms and businesses

They try to limit our energy availability

They force homosexuality on us and our children

They want us to pay for the medical coverage of 47 million imaginary people. In reality this number is closer to 10 million people.

They insist on destroying our current medical coverage, bankrupting our medical institutions and stifling our medical research all for less than 5% of the population!

Well, on this I’ve got news for the people who didn’t plan for their own medical needs… WE ARE NOT YOUR FALLBACK PLAN!!!
We write letters, make calls and visits…and even forcefully confront them at their townhall meetings….yet they will not listen and take to heart or petitions and grievances! When they are messing with our healthcare they are literally throwing around the lives of our spouses, children and parents! You keep your damn hands off our families!

While he went about it incorrectly in some respects ‘ol Joe McCarty had it right. Many government officials have proven that they have abandoned their oath to protect and uphold the constitution through their deeds and words. They have adopted an affinity for Marxist doctrine. I pledge to you one thing. If the people of the third district send me to congress and the rest of the country elects other honorable, constitutional patriots I WILL work to purge whatever remains of these officials. NOW IT BEGINS! NOW we start holding these people accountable for the oath they swore– TO US!
Patrick Henry said, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

The time is now that we begin to shatter the chains that they have set upon our Constitution.

The time is now that we begin to throw off the chains they have set upon US and say NO MORE!!
The time is NOW that we throw those chains back to their rightful place; upon our government, upon our elected officials and yes, upon those un-elected officials as well!

My campaign theme, Constitution Unchained, starts with us. We all must rise to the occasion and shatter these chains. There MUST be trustworthy partnership between constituents and their representatives.

The founding fathers never intended the Republic to see so many career politicians. Public service should be a sacrifice, lest people find it too much to their liking. To that end honorable, constitution minded patriots all over the country must stand up, be prepared to make temporary sacrifices. They must leave home and family, do battle with political monsters and seek public office far, or not-so-far, from home. They must have the courage to slash the federal government to a fraction of its current size so it cannot continually threaten us. And they must always be attentive to their constituents Constitutional concerns.

At home, the people must be responsible for letting their voice be heard on a continual basis – to their representatives and neighbors – lest we stray too far from constitutionality. We must be ever vigilant to protect our liberty from festering threats. But your support, assistance, time and votes must be offered as well to elect trustworthy representatives. Without your precious sacrifices our Republic crumbles.Yes, my goals have changed because I hold EVERY generation responsible for the preservation of our Republic. THAT is why I hope to take off my engineering hat and put on the hat of a Constitutional Warrior come November 2010!

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