Thursday, February 4, 2010

Call to Action! Obama and Kind Destroying our Nation

In light of recent statements by the Treasury Department and Ron Kind, Michael Krsiean has this to say regarding our current rate of spending and our debt levels, “As Ron Kind praises Obama’s budget Feb 2nd by saying, "This budget does exactly what we need it to do right now, takes the steps to help the economy recover, creates jobs and helps get Americans back to work," we are poised to raise the federal debt ceiling from $12.39 trillion to $14.3 trillion.

At the current rate of spending Mr. Kind and Obama advocate, the US Treasury declares we will reach the $14.3 trillion level by the end of this month!! That is 15.4% increase in just 28 days. We’ll pass this level before the House can approve it! With compound interest this rate of borrowing will go up exponentially. This during a time when they are telling us the economy is good. When it’s bad do we increase the debt 30% every month?

STOP THIS MADNESS! I call on our current high profile 3rd district professional politicians Ron Kind and Dan Kapanke to call for IMMEDIATE and deep cuts to spending before we hit a point of no return where we will not be able to make payments on our debt.

We are currently borrowing $68 BILLION a day for Ron to run around the district sprinkling about the fraction of our money that makes it back to us! If they keep this up our economy’s life expectancy is measured in months.

It is this type of irresponsible spending and borrowing that Ron Kind supports in spite of his ‘fiscal responsibility’ initiatives. Dan Kapanke advocates the status quo and the word ‘CUT’ isn’t in his vocabulary. Michael Krsiean has spoken out boldly for the need for deep cuts and department eliminations in our federal government; returning it to a size more representative of that which the founding fathers had in mind. Significant change is needed immediately! This is happening on their watch.”

1 comment:

  1. Mike, obviously the debt limit is climbing to record levels. Of course, since we are at war and dealing with the Great Recession, one might anticipate some addition borrowing on the federal government's part. I'm curious about your outrage at the climbing debt ceiling. When did you're outrage start and do you have any documentation of the expression of this outrage in public forums?

    Where you outraged in 2003 when the Republicans raised the debt level by 16 % from $6.4 to $7.4 trillion? What about in 2004, when the Republicans raised the debt level to $8.2 trillion? In 2006 the ceiling was again raised by the Republicans to $ 9 trillion. This was done under a Republican President, House and, in the earlier years, Senate.

    I'm curious to know if significant change was needed back then?

    If you really want to see significant increases in the debt ceiling, research the Reagan years. As I recall, there were no hot wars in the Reagan years. There were big tax cuts and massive spending increase. This from the patron saint of today's TEA Party fiscal conservatives.

    I'd be interested in knowing if your outrage is
    started the day Obama was inaugurated or didn't happen way back way? Likewise, 39 percent of those identifying themselves as Republicans think Obama should be impeached, what do you think? Why?

    Would you vote for or against the bi-partisan commission to reduce the debt and deficit? I believe the Repulbicans originally floated the idea of such a task force and then voted against it when it came time to vote.

    Would you vote against stimulus bills? If a stimulus bill you voted against passed, would you work to get a portion of that stimulus money spent in your district?
